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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Stuffed Artichokes

4 artichokes
1 small onion; chopped finely
1 cup seasoned break crumbs
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
2 Tb. butter
salt and pepper

Cut and clean artichokes.  Open up all the layers so it is easy to stuff the leaves.

 In a pan saute onion with butter and salt and pepper.  Add bread crumbs and heat through.  Turn off burner and add cheese.  Divide into quarters.  Stuff artichoke and top with extra parmesan cheese if desired.

In a pot simmer on low for 60 minutes with a lid half on and half off with about a 1/2 inch to 1 inch of water.  May need to add water.

Artichokes are a great substitute for salad before a Sunday pasta dish!  Enjoy :)

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