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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Homemade Linguine and Clams

This dish was a team effort!  My mama brought over her homemade linguine to pair with my homemade clam sauce.  It turned out divine :)

Clam Sauce: (serves 5-6)

4 cups frozen clams (I prefer just using the meat...less messy when eating than trying to pick out of the clam shells.  Don't get me wrong....I love FRESH clams...but it's also winter in upstate NY.)
1 lemon; juiced
fresh parsley
1 small onion; diced
5-6 medium garlic cloves; minced
olive oil
2-4 tsp butter
1-1/2 cup fresh clam juice
1-1/2 cup dry white wine
hot pepper flakes
In a skillet heat olive oil, onion and garlic through.  Be careful not to burn the garlic.  When soft, add lemon, butter,  and hot pepper flakes into the mix.  When the pasta water starts to boil add the clam juice and white wine.  Right before your pasta is ready or you put your fresh pasta into the water add the clams to cook.  They only take a couple minutes and you do not want to over cook them!  When you pasta is ready, add to sauce and toss with fresh parsley.  Plate and enjoy with your favorite glass of wine and fresh bread to dip in the yummy sauce :)

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