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Monday, June 18, 2012

Panzanella Salad

When I was grocery shopping in Wegmans yesterday, I saw a special bread they were making, blue cheese and black pepper bread.  Above it was a sign that said, "great for grilling".  Instantly I wanted to make panzanella salad.  

1/2 Small loaf of bread (I used the blue cheese and black pepper); cut in 1 inch thick diagonal slices (easier to grill)
1 large tomato, bite size pieces
1/2 cucumber; sliced very thinly 
fresh basil
sea salt
fresh cracked pepper
3 Tb. extra virgin olive oil
1Tb. balsamic vinegar (very faint flavor, you don't need much!)

Mix tomato, cucumber, basil, sea salt, pepper olive oil and vinegar in a bowl.  Brush EVOO on both sides of the bread slices.  On medium heat, grill each side so it's nicely toasted and has good coloring.  Cut into bite size pieces and add to tomato and cucumber mixture.  Eat immediately!  

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