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Friday, January 23, 2015

Cherry Tomatoes, Goat Cheese and Puff Pastry Squares

I have NO idea why this was not posted a LONG time ago!  I was going through posts I have not published and this one was ready to go and never published...mommy brain!  I love this quick, pretty and tasty appetizer or snack!  It's best in the summer when all the delicious heirloom tomatoes are in season.

1 box frozen puff pastry
1 log of your favorite local goat cheese
heirloom tomatoes; diced into bite sizes
fresh basil
sea salt

Preheat oven to 375

Cut puff pastry into squares (9 squares; follow lines)
Mix tomatoes, basil, sea salt and pepper. Spread goat cheese on top of the puff pastry and top with tomato mixture. Bake until browned around the edges and enjoy :)

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